Chiara Fiorillo – Memory’s fligt. Il volo della memoria

Chiara Fiorillo

Memory’s fligt

Il volo della memoria


They were men before;

 they were something before.

Then they became nothing,

so with no fearless, they were waiting for death.

To live there you have to believe your future,

because where there’s hope, there’s life.

They were sorrounded by barbed wire,

so they couldn’t fly away.

I wonder why it happened,

but inside me the answer is silence.

We’re all equal,

we’re all different,

but there isn’t a perfect race!

“Losing the past means losing the future”,

so you must remember what happened.


Chiara Fiorillo, III F, Scuola Media “Cino da Pistoia”, Pistoia.



Klee spirito di una lettera_c

Immagine in evidenza: Paul Klee, Geist eines Briefes [Spirito di una lettera],1937.

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